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Benefits Of Organic Food
Benefits of Rock Salt :-

Improves Digestion

“Rock salt can also be used to cure stomach infections, and aids in deworming as well”.

Boosts Metabolism

“Rock salt can be used to stimulate your body’s metabolism, and ultimately improve the functioning of your body”.

Stabilises Blood Pressure

“Rock salt helps stabilise blood pressure by maintaining a balance of high and low blood pressures. For people with hypertension, It is a better alternative to table salt as it is high on potassium”.

Boosts Immunity

“Rock salt provides all the essential trace minerals and greatly improves the body’s immune system.” It fights harmful bacteria and helps kick illnesses to the curb.

Treats Sinus

“Rock salt is beneficial for people suffering from respiratory problems and sinus,” adds Dr. Ahuja. Gargling with rock salt provides relief against sore throat, dry cough and tonsils, or dissolve rock salt in water and inhale steam.

Promotes Weight Loss

Dr. Anju Sood says, “Rock salt reduces sugar cravings by reactivating insulin, and hence results in weight loss”.

Reduces Stress

“Rock salt helps to relax the body and mind,” says Dr. Ashutosh Gautam. To treat and manage stress and anxiety, mix a tablespoon of rock salt in water and take a relaxing bath.

Purifies Air

“Rock salt crystal products tend to reduce airborne irritants, pathogens and allergens by pulling water vapour out of the air. Himalayan pink salt is a natural ionic air purifier that pulls toxins from the environment and neutralises them,” says Dr. Ahuja, Fortis Hospital.
Benefits of Emmer Wheat/Khapali Wheat:
  1. Naturally Low in Gluten
  2. High in necessary fibres and proteins
  3. High in B Vitamins
  4. Good source of Anitoxidants
  5. Tastes better than regular wheat
Benefits of Khandsari Sugar / Raw Brown Sugar :-
Khandsari and Khand, is a type of partially refined to unrefined sugar with a strong molasses content and flavour. It is technically considered either a non-centrifugal cane sugar or a centrifuged, partially refined sugar according to the process used by the manufacturer. It contains higher levels of various minerals than processed white sugar, and is considered to be healthier. Its main uses are in food and confectionery